Rekor mengetik Ipad tercepat di Dunia
Eduard Saakashvili (15 tahun) berhasil memecahkan rekor mengetik Ipad tercepat di Dunia dengan mengetik huruf Inggris hanya dengan 5,26 detik dengan menggunakan produk komputer tablet keluaran Apple ini. Rekor ini lebih cepat 1,05 detik dari rekor mengetik Ipad tercepat di Dunia yang sebelumnya dipegang oleh Charlie Joseph McDonnell yang berasal dari inggris pada tahun 2010. Mari kita lihat foto-foto dan video aksi dari Eduard Saakashvili ini :
Foto Eduard Saakashvili saat memecahkan rekor mengetik Ipad tercepat di Dunia
Video Eduard Saakashvili saat memecahkan rekor mengetik Ipad tercepat di Dunia
Rekor mengetik Ipad tercepat di Dunia
iPad typing World record
The teenage son of Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili claimed a world title of his own by setting a new record for speed typing on an iPad yesterday.Eduard Saakashvili achieved a world record for typing the English alphabet on an iPad in 5.26 seconds -- an improvement of 1.05 seconds on the previous record set by British teenager Charlie Joseph McDonnell in 2010. The unusual feat was documented by an observer from Guinness World Records in the former Soviet republic's Black Sea resort of Batumi.
"I am very happy," Eduard said in comments broadcast by Georgian television after the finger-busting workout, explaining that he had spent months getting ready for the unusual event."Our whole family has been nervous. I am a very proud mummy today," said President Saakashvili's Dutch wife, Sandra Roelofs, who watched her son's triumph.
In March the Georgian leader's younger son, five-year-old Nikoloz, also attracted media attention when he and his father donned military fatigues for a training session at a military base in an unusual attempt to promote the country's armed forces.
The time betters the previous record set by British teenager Charlie Joseph McDonnell in 2010 by 1.05 seconds. The president's quick-fingered son was allowed three attempts to break the record but succeeded on his first try.
"I am very happy," Eduard told Georgian television after pulling off his record-breaking achievement, explaining that he had spent months preparing for the attempt.
"Our whole family has been nervous. I am a very proud mummy today," said the President wife, Sandra Roelofs, who was on hand to witness her son’s techy triumph.
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