Foto, Gambar dan Video Ular Terpanjang di Dunia - Apakah anda pernah menonton Film Anaconda?dimana terdapat ular panjang dan besar yang memangsa manusia yang berada di sekitaran pulau amazon?..nah ular yang berikut ini mungkin tidak sebesar dan sepanjang seperti dalam film tersebut, karena memang didalam film itu hanya ular rekaaan. Tetapi yang ini merupakan Ular yang akan masuk Rekor dunia sebentar lagi.
Reptil besar betina ini makan seminggu sekali dengan memangsa hewan seberat 18 kilogram atau 40 pon. Tetapi dia pun dapat memangsa makanan sampai 100 pon atau 45,36 kilogram. Dikabarkan hewan ini akan dipertontonkan dalam sebuah pertunjukkan rumah hantu di Kansas City, Amerika Serikat. Pertunjukkan itu sendiri bernama Edge of Hell. Berikut ini Videonya :
Largest and Longest Snakes in the World - Do you ever watch the movie Anaconda? Where there are long and large snakes that prey on humans residing in the surrounding islands amazon? .. Nah that these snakes may be not as big and as long as in the film, because it is in the film was just a snake rekaaan. But this is the largest and longest snake in the world who will enter the world record soon.
The snake named Medusa. Large reptiles weighing more than 136 kilogra, as well as the length is about 7.62 meters or 25 feet, making this reptile will be one of the longest reptile in the world. Guinness Book of World itself will soon come and verify the record of this snake. To lift takes about fifteen adults.
These females are large reptiles eat once a week to prey on animals weighing 18 kilograms or 40 pounds. But he was able to prey on food to 100 pounds or 45.36 kilograms. This animal is rumored to be exhibited in a show haunted house in Kansas City, United States. The show itself is called the Edge of Hell. Video Ular Terpanjang di Dunia
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Gambar dan Foto Video Ular Terpanjang di Dunia
Ular itu diberi nama Medusa. Hewan reptil besar dengan berat lebih dari 136 kilogram, serta panjangnya sekitar 7,62 meter atau 25 kaki, membuat reptil ini akan menjadi salah satu reptil terpanjang di dunia. Guiness Book of World sendiri akan segera datang dan memverifikasi rekor dari ular ini. Untuk mengangkatnya butuh sekitar lima belas orang dewasa.Reptil besar betina ini makan seminggu sekali dengan memangsa hewan seberat 18 kilogram atau 40 pon. Tetapi dia pun dapat memangsa makanan sampai 100 pon atau 45,36 kilogram. Dikabarkan hewan ini akan dipertontonkan dalam sebuah pertunjukkan rumah hantu di Kansas City, Amerika Serikat. Pertunjukkan itu sendiri bernama Edge of Hell. Berikut ini Videonya :
Video Ular Besar dan Panjang
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Largest and Longest Snakes in the World - Do you ever watch the movie Anaconda? Where there are long and large snakes that prey on humans residing in the surrounding islands amazon? .. Nah that these snakes may be not as big and as long as in the film, because it is in the film was just a snake rekaaan. But this is the largest and longest snake in the world who will enter the world record soon.
The snake named Medusa. Large reptiles weighing more than 136 kilogra, as well as the length is about 7.62 meters or 25 feet, making this reptile will be one of the longest reptile in the world. Guinness Book of World itself will soon come and verify the record of this snake. To lift takes about fifteen adults.
These females are large reptiles eat once a week to prey on animals weighing 18 kilograms or 40 pounds. But he was able to prey on food to 100 pounds or 45.36 kilograms. This animal is rumored to be exhibited in a show haunted house in Kansas City, United States. The show itself is called the Edge of Hell. Video Ular Terpanjang di Dunia
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