Tupai paling beruntung di Dunia?..mungkin judul tersebut sedikit lebay, tetapi memang betul bahwa tupai ini sangat beruntung karena tidak tergilas dari Mobil Lamborgini yang berkecepatan kurang lebih 100km / jam. Kejadian ini terjadi di Sirkuit California di Fontana pada acara The Ultimate Lamborghini Experience tanggal 22 Juni kemarin. Diceritakan ketika mobil lamborgini sedang berkeliling di sirkuit seekor tupai ternyata sedang lewat dan menyebrangi jalan di sirkuit tersebut. Alhasil tupai yang sedang menyebrang bertemu dengan mobil lamborgini yang sedang melaju dengan kecepatan kurang lebih 100 km / jam. Tetapi sangat beruntung ketika tupai menyeberang, tupai tersebut melewati kolong dari mobil lamborgini tersebut sehingga tidak terlindas oleh mobil tersebut, maka dari itu pantas disebut Tupai paling beruntung di Dunia. Cekidot gambarnya dibawah ini :
Automotive enthusiasts were taping the yellow Lamborghini LP670-4 SV circling the California Speedway in Fontana during The Ultimate Lamborghini Experience 4 event on June 22. And they captured the rodent's ill-timed sprint to the other side of the racetrack. The MurciƩlago speeds forward as drives over the squirrel, almost certain to have sealed its fate.
But miraculously it appears on the other side, continuing its run across the speedway. The animal appears unscathed, but a slow motion playback suggests otherwise. With a closer look, the tip of its tail appears to skip down the runway as the car blows past. A description on the YouTube video reads: 'Does look like the little one lost part of it's tail. Hope the Squirrel is ok.'
The video has become an internet sensation, earning 365,419 views since it was uploaded on Thursday by user socalspeedzone.
(tupai terlindas??)
tetapi ternyata tupai selamat..
Untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan lihat videonya dibawah ini ..
This is the moment one very lucky squirrel high-tailed it across a race track in a close call with a speeding Lamborghini. The animal cheated death when it leaped onto the road just as the Italian automobile entered a straightaway. But the furry critter appeared to time the run-in perfectly, ducking under the body as it motored overhead at a hair-raising 100mph.Automotive enthusiasts were taping the yellow Lamborghini LP670-4 SV circling the California Speedway in Fontana during The Ultimate Lamborghini Experience 4 event on June 22. And they captured the rodent's ill-timed sprint to the other side of the racetrack. The MurciƩlago speeds forward as drives over the squirrel, almost certain to have sealed its fate.
But miraculously it appears on the other side, continuing its run across the speedway. The animal appears unscathed, but a slow motion playback suggests otherwise. With a closer look, the tip of its tail appears to skip down the runway as the car blows past. A description on the YouTube video reads: 'Does look like the little one lost part of it's tail. Hope the Squirrel is ok.'
(tupai terlindas??)
The video has become an internet sensation, earning 365,419 views since it was uploaded on Thursday by user socalspeedzone.
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