Di album baru smash ini terdapat beberapa lagu populer yang pernah jaya dimasa lalu, seperti lagu " Ada Cinta " ciptaan Yovie Widianto yang sempat populer oleh kelompok Vokal Bening. Kemudian ada lagu "Gadisku" yang sempat populer ketika dibawakan oleh Trio Libels. Kemudian sisa lagu di album baru smash ini diciptakan oleh beberapa musisi Indonesia lainnya.
Di kemukakan oleh manajer Smash, Anto bahwa di album baru smash ini memang sengaja melakukan recycle (daur ulang) lagu-lagu yang dulunya populer, hal ini dikarenakan agar segment-segment seperti Ibu-ibu dan bapak-bapak para Smash Blast (panggilan fans smash) yang rata-rata masih ABG bisa menerima juga musik dan lagu mereka. Menurut Anto, di Album baru smash seluruh lagu-lagu tidak dipilih sembarangan karena harus sesuai dengan karakter dan gaya Smash itu sendiri.
Bagi yang penasaran Album Baru Smash, silahkan Download Album Baru Smash dibawah ini :
Daftar lagu Album Baru Smash :
1. I Heart You
2. I Heart You versi akustik
3. Ada Cinta (Cover Bening)
4. Gadisku (Cover Trio Libels)
5. Inikah Cinta (Cover ME)
6. Oh Ya (Cover K3S)
7. Selalu bersama
8. Akhiri Saja
9. Ahhh
10. Senyum Semangat
Download New Album Smash - Chanter single "I Heart You" Smash successful flying in Indonesia music scene, and marks the return of the boyband trend in Indonesia finally issued their debut smash album whose title the same as their group name is SMASH. Boy band fronted by Morgan, Reza, Ilham, Rafael, Dicky, Rangga and Bhishma brought 4 songs recycle (recycling) on the new album smash it.
In the new smash album there are a few popular songs that ever glorious past, like the song "There's Love" Lil Widianto creation that was popular by the group Vocal Bening. Then there is the song "My girl" who was popular when sung by Trio Libels. Then the rest of the songs on the new smash album was created by several other musicians Indonesia.
On Smash pointed out by the manager, Anto that in the new smash album is deliberately doing recycle (recycling) songs that were once popular, this is due to segments such as mothers and fathers of the Smash Blast (fans call smash ) the average is still ABG could accept also music and their songs. According to Anto, the new album smashes all the songs are not chosen at random because it must fit with the character and style of Smash itself.
For the curious new album Smash, please Download the New Album Smash below:
New Smash Album track list:
1. I Heart You
2. I Heart You acoustic version
3. There's Love (Cover Bening)
4. My girl (Cover Trio Libels)
5. Is this Love (Cover Me)
6. Oh Yes (Cover K3S)
7. Always together
8. End Only
9. Ahhh
10. Spirit smile
In the new smash album there are a few popular songs that ever glorious past, like the song "There's Love" Lil Widianto creation that was popular by the group Vocal Bening. Then there is the song "My girl" who was popular when sung by Trio Libels. Then the rest of the songs on the new smash album was created by several other musicians Indonesia.
On Smash pointed out by the manager, Anto that in the new smash album is deliberately doing recycle (recycling) songs that were once popular, this is due to segments such as mothers and fathers of the Smash Blast (fans call smash ) the average is still ABG could accept also music and their songs. According to Anto, the new album smashes all the songs are not chosen at random because it must fit with the character and style of Smash itself.
For the curious new album Smash, please Download the New Album Smash below:
New Smash Album track list:
1. I Heart You
2. I Heart You acoustic version
3. There's Love (Cover Bening)
4. My girl (Cover Trio Libels)
5. Is this Love (Cover Me)
6. Oh Yes (Cover K3S)
7. Always together
8. End Only
9. Ahhh
10. Spirit smile
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